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Pietro Marmo Desgin - Laboratorio orafoThe firm Pietro Marmo Design has center in Breme (PV), Lomabrdia.

The holder, teacher goldsmith Pietro Marmo, from over thirty years draws and produces, in his handicraft laboratory, jewels and Jewelry's products, sold with his own brand or on behalf of famous jaws of the sector.

From some years the firm has embraced a new branch of the market, producing objects in gold and silver that have as subject the coffee and everything around this sector.

In this seam, are been created pins, pendants, twin to form of grain of coffee, of grinds, of coffeepot and a lot of other ideas, used by the producers and dealers of the whole world to personalize gadget and homages for their own customers.

The firm Pietro Marmo Design is present in the most important fairs of the sector and we have customers all over the world, from Japan in Latin America.


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PietroMarmo design - Breme (PV) - Italy - via Maestra 120 P.IVA 01335980189 All rights reserved
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